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Meet Claire



Before: Stressed and unhappy living overseas far from her family and friends, and crippled by perfectionism working long hours studying for her fashion diploma.


After: Loving her study with less stress and late nights, enjoying her living situation abroad and making the most of it while she can. She healed her challenging relationship with her mum and launched a jewellery line in her spare time - something she never imagined possible!

I started the journey with some flaky goals... I was happy but unsure of what I wanted and where I was heading. I knew I needed more balance in my life and less drama but did it warrant the need of a coach? I wondered what I would get from it and if it would be a waste of money. 

I had loved my initial astrology session and felt really comfortable with Alicia even when I was feeling vulnerable so I decided to give it a try. After 3 months coaching, I had a crystal jewellery business, a sold out first range, 2 healed relationships and felt transformed.

Alicia brought me extra happiness, clarity and a powerful belief that I can do anything.

Alicia has a magical connection with people, her coaching was the key to my success and extra happiness. The sessions are very unique, nothing like I’ve had before, we went deep and I loved the spiritual twist. Alicia is a wonderful supportive coach who helped me unleash my inner magic to become a better version of me! "


" Honestly I can’t thank you enough. I really feel like it’s one of the best things I’ve ever done for myself reaching out to you and booking the session.

Enlightening and fascinating. You really did a beautiful job of explaining everything and interpreting my chart. I feel brand new today, so thank you again. "


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" Alicia is the most magical astrology coach. My Reading blew me away. "


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" I've loved this so much, I think it's the first time I've actually felt understood my whole life. "


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" In our reading earlier this year the themes you said I would see in the next few months were freakishly spot on! "


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" What I found most useful was her reading on my character. With the help of the chart she explained my personality traits with unnervingly accurate depth. This has been the most beneficial thing I've carried with me since.

I've learned things about myself that have had a huge impact on my self-esteem. Just knowing yourself more allows you to digest the past and better prepare for challenges ahead."



Meet Laura


Before: Unhappy in her stressful corporate life and unsure of what direction to take. Afraid of losing her high level income, job security and financial independence. Unclear of how she could make substantial income from her passion for design.

After: At peace with her decision to leave her job with a clearly defined direction of how and when. Soft launching her design business with a unique offering and securing 5 full paying clients while working her notice.

" I was seemingly really successful but totally miserable. Not wanting to walk away from my high salary and the possibility that maybe one day I’d make a lot of money selling my e-commerce business. 3 years of my life kept on hold for something that might never happen and with Alicia’s help I changed it all in 3 months, which is insane!


Working with Alicia is a bit like having a business partner and best friend in a coach - it’s an amazing combination. She helped me see things much more clearly and guide me in the right direction. She was able to get the best out of me.


Before then, I’d never had a coach or been very good at talking about my feelings so I didn’t know what to expect or how I would deal with that. I also had no idea what I wanted but I felt that she could see what I couldn’t see yet. I now know the importance of investing in yourself. You don’t know how much you need it until you do it and whatever your situation, it will take you to your next level.


In a short space of time I gained amazing clarity on what I wanted from life; to walk away from my business with complete conviction that it was the right decision and step into the future I DID want; working with my creativity again and securing clients easily doing what I love. I’m really happy.


Working with Alicia also taught me the importance of boundaries, self worth and belief! I used to take on too much work and put myself last - always the ‘yes’ girl. She taught me a huge amount when it comes to that. "


" Having my chart read with you has given me focus. I feel validated in who I am now and in my past, and how I can use all this clarity to move me forward.


I felt like you throughly enjoyed answering my many questions - there was no question you couldn’t answer! You really, really, really know your stuff. I’ve already recommended so many people to get a reading with you - you’re the best! "


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" I absolutely loved my reading with Alicia. I had no idea what to expect and was a tad skeptical before we started but her astrological perception of me was uncannily accurate.


I left feeling enlightened, optimistic and excited about the future! "



" Thank you again SO MUCH for the most enlightening coaching session I’ve ever had. (I’ve had a lot!)  I can’t believe how accurate the reading was, my mind is blown! 
You have taught me so much more about myself and my very exciting new path. Thank you for lighting a fire inside me and for giving me the tools to get to my next level of happiness. I feel AMAZING! "


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" Thank you so much for your time and energy, and soulful session. Your advice and encouragement seemed to flow out like it was something I needed to hear, it gave me a sense of strength.


You talk in such a calm yet confident way, as if I was talking to a good friend who 'knew' everything mixed with a sense of a ' respectful teacher/coach' vibe. THANK YOU. "



" I loved our session so much thank you.  It's lit a fire that was simmering away in there. I since had an honest open conversation with my husband about my needs and have signed up to a top level mastermind to keep that fire burning and keep momentum going to smash my income goals. "



Meet Paola


Before: Stuck and looking for paid work that didn’t light her up when what she really wanted was to fully live her purpose. She didn’t know how to do that or if she could.

After: Feeling courageous, capable and taking inspired action. Starting her journey guiding others with her 21 day challenge series and working with her first 1:1 clients.

I wanted to move forward in my life and start living my purpose but I didn’t know how. Even though I was looking for work, I really wanted to become a coach - I just didn’t know if I could make a living doing what I love.


I had met Alicia once some years ago and we kept in touch. She was so inspiring and passionate, I knew I wanted to work with her.


Working with Alicia was an amazing experience. I felt sheltered in a blanket of possibilities, growth and celebration. She is straightforward yet compassionate - pushing me out of my comfort zone and helping me overcome resistance. With her help I gained the courage to focus on my dream of coaching others. I went on to launch my 21 day Colour Your Life With Love program and take on my first 1:1 clients. I feel more grounded in who I am, what I’m capable of and how I can achieve my dream.


If you are thinking of working with Alicia, go for it. You are reading this for a reason. Trust your gut and invest in you! I think everyone needs a coach in life and I couldn’t have chosen a better one. "

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